From Mobile Suit Gundam comes a fourth collection of soldiers to join the Gundam Military Generation (GMG) series of articulated figures. The three latest additions capture EDF pilots based on the final battle for the A Baoa Qu.
EDF Soldier 04 is a standard soldier that stands approximately 10cm high (approx. 1/18th scale). In addition to his standard equipment he also comes with a helmet, six interchangeable hand parts, an EDF standard M71 pistol, holster, two side pouches and a harness.
EDF Soldier 05 is a sturdy male soldier that stands approximately 10cm high (approx. 1/18th scale). In addition to his standard equipment he also comes with a helmet, six interchangeable hand parts, an EDF standard M71 pistol, holster, two side pouches, a harness and a land mover.
EDF Soldier 06 is none other than Sayla Mass, standing approximately 10cm high (approx. 1/18th scale). In addition to her standard equipment she also comes with a helmet, six interchangeable hand parts, an EDF standard M71 pistol, holster, two side pouches, a harness and a briefcase with gold bars inside.
This set ver. includes their head parts wearing a helmet without a visor as bonus.
In addition, you can recreate a part of a Core Fighter cockpit.
Be sure to display them with their comrades for the complete experience!