This is a unique piece of international printed matter sent from Miyanoshita, Hakone, Japan, to a woman in Thun, Switzerland, on May 22, 1913! It was sent from a Heijiro Manda, a seller of inlaid works of wood from the Hakone area! 

To continue, the yellow, 5-Sen, two, purple, 1.5-Sen, and brown, 1-Sen Japanese definitives are all in quite fine condition, but do have some stains around some of their perfs. The three, CDSs from the Miyanoshita, Hakone P.O. are 66-70% complete.

Lastly, as for the Japanese WASHI paper, it's in quite good condition. There are some tears in it here and there, and some stains from an unknown source. Noted imperfections aside, this printed matter remains a nifty example of international mail from Japan to Switzerland in 1913!