This neat, uncommon, Japanese Naval mail was sent as a New Year's card on December 31, 1928from a Japanese sailor serving aboard the armored cruiser, H.I.J.M. Izumo! The armored cruiser was docked at Sasebo, Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan, at the time of writing. In the 1920s, she was mainly used as a training ship. Izumo served in WW1 as part of Japan's contribution to the Allied war effort, protecting Allied shipping off of the western coasts of North and Central America between late 1914-1916. In 1917, she was made the flagship of the Japanese squadron that served the Allies in the Mediterranean Sea until the end of WW1.

To continue, the blue, 1.5-Sen Japanese definitive, is in fine condition! The CDS from the Sasebo P.O. is superb! 

Lastly, as for the post card, itself, it's in superb condition! It's very clean, and has very little wear and tear on it! Simply put, this a nifty piece of Imperial Japanese Naval postal history connected to the H.I.J.M. Izumo!