The SMR-456 is a 2.8 lbs/gallon voc.
SMR-456 Hot Rod Black is a 2 component acrylic urethane coating. It mixes 4:1, 5:1 or 6:1 (changes gloss level) with a 5-10% optional
reduction with zero voc Urethane Grade Reducer. SMR-456 Hot Rod Black is an excellent coating for a High Quality Black satin Finish.
This coating is formulated to withstand the same atmospheric conditions as a high quality single stage urethane topcoat.
.True 2K Urethane Durability
.Uniform Jet Black Color
.Excellent Exterior Stability from UV Light
.Fast Dry
.Easy Mix Ratios
.Chemical Resistant Finish
.Great Rub Resistance
SMR-456 is activated with SMR-150 (Medium Activator) or SMR-170 (Warm Activator) at a 4:1, 5:1 or 6:1 mix ratio wit a 5-10% optional
reduction with zero voc Urethane Grade Reducer.
High Sheen (Low Gloss)
4 Parts Hot Rod Black
5-10% (Optional) zero voc URETHANE GRADE REDUCER
Medium Sheen (Eggshell)
5 Parts Hot Rod Black
1 Part Activator
5-10% optional zero voc reducer
Low Sheen (Satin)
6 Parts Hot Rod Black
1 Part Activator
5-10% optional zero voc reducer
Fluid Tip psi
HVLP Spray Gun 1.3 – 1.4mm 8-10 psi
Conventional Gravity Feed 1.3 – 1.4mm 25-30 psi
Surface should be cleaned of all grease, oil, dirt, rust, etc before applying SMR-456 Hot Rod Black. Wash
area with soap and warm water. Thoroughly clean area with Wax and Grease Remover. Scuff surface with a red scuff pad or equivalent. Reclean with wax and grease remover. Do not use coarse grit sandpaper. Apply a pre-treatment primer and allow to dry. Apply primer surfacer and allow to cure. Sand primer
surfacer with 180-220 grit sandpaper. If applying a sealer over the primer surfacer, finish sand with 320-400
grit sandpaper. If applying SMR-456 Hot Rod Black directly over the primer surfacer, finish sand with 400-500 grit sandpaper.
Apply 1 full wet coat followed by 1 medium wet coat. Allow 5-10 minutes flash time
between coats. Do not apply Hot Rod Colors in temperatures over 80 deg. F! This causes an un-even finish (stripping).
Dry Times:
Dust Free: 5-10 minutes depending on temperature and activator selection
Tack Free: 5-10 minutes
Force Dry: 10 minutes @ 120°F (49°C)
Delivery: Air Dry: 6-8 hours
Bake: After cool down
Time to stripe:
Air Dry 6-8 hours (special care should be taken for first 24 hours)
Bake 1 hour after cool down
Time to decal:
Air Dry 24 hours
Bake 24 hours
Time to recoat
Air Dry 24 hours @ 70°F
Bake After cool down
Health and Safety:
See Material Safety Data Sheet and labels for additional safety information and handling instructions.
The contents of this package may have to be blended with other components before the product can be used. Before opening the packages, be sure you understand the warning messages on the labels and MSDS’s of all components, since
the mixture will have the hazards of all its parts.
* Improper handling and use, for example, poor spray technique, inadequate engineering controls and or lack of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), may result in hazardous conditions or injury.
* Follow spray equipment manufacturer’s instructions to prevent personal injury or fire.
* Provide adequate ventilation for health and fire hazard control.
Follow company, product MSDS and respirator manufacturer’s recommendations for selection and proper use of respiratory protection. Be sure employees are adequately trained on the safe use of respirators per company and regulatory
* Wear appropriate PPE such as eye and skin protection. In the event of injury, see first aid procedures on MSDS.
* Always observe all applicable precautions and follow good safety and hygiene practices.