B - a letter characterizing the design: B - subminiature, in a glass shell, with a diameter of 8 to 10.5 mm;
And - a lamp designed to operate in a pulsed mode.
Technical characteristics and electrical parameters of the lamp 6N16B-VI:
Rated electrical data:
Heating voltage, V 6.3 ±0.6
Heating current, mA 400 ±40
Anode voltage, V 100
Current in the anode circuit, mA 6.3 ±1.9
Slope of characteristic, mA/V 5 ±1.25
Resistance in the cathode circuit, Ohm 325
Gain 25 ±5
Input resistance, kOhm ..... 32
Maximum allowable electrical values:
The highest voltage on the anode, V 200
The highest voltage on the anode with the lamp locked, V 350
The voltage in the grid circuit is negative, V -50
The highest current in the cathode circuit, mA 14
Maximum power dissipated at the anode, W 0.9
Miniature glass decoration